Decentralized and Wireless Control of Large-Scale Systems, FP7-ICT-2007-2 - 224168, de 2008 a 2011.



WIDE main objectives

  1. Develop a unified, distributed, and multilayer modelling and control goals/constraints specification framework that ensures: cross-layer and inter-layer compatibility, self-maintainance,and consistency with measured data. This will facilitate scalability and reconfigurability of the developed distributed control and estimation procedures, and guarantee timely reaction and adaptation to a changing environment.
  2. Develop new techniques of coordinating a network of MPCs to achieve the best performance and robustness under uncertainty and possible physical and communication constraints.
  3. Develop methods of cooperating WSN and advanced process control by developing (i) transmission and networking technologies for highly reliable wide-area wireless sensor and actuator networks, and (ii) new methods of MPC design that, aware of communication and power-consumption aspects, ensure an optimized controller/wireless-sensor operation.
The WIDE project intends to verify the effectiveness of the developed approaches and measure their performance on a real life application in water distribution networks. In particular WIDE will focus on the water network of the city of Barcelona.

CS2AC-UPC contributions

Journal Papers


  • Ocampo-Martinez, C.; Puig, V. (2010), Piece-wise linear functions-based model predictive control of large-scale sewage systems. IET control theory and applications, vol. 4, núm. 9, p. 1581-1593. <doi: 10.1049/iet-cta.2009.0206>
  • Ocampo-Martinez, C.; Puig, V. (2009), Fault-tolerant model predictive control within the hybrid systems framework: Application to sewer networks. International journal of adaptive control and signal processing, vol. 23, núm. 8, p. 757-787. <doi: 10.1002/acs.1099>
  • Ocampo-Martinez, C., Puig, V., Cembrano, G., Creus, R., Minoves, M. (2009), Improving water management efficiency by using optimization-based control strategies: the Barcelona case study. Water Science and Technology: water supply, vol. 9, núm. 5, p. 565-575. <doi: 10.2166/ws.2009.524>


Conference Papers


  • Puig, V., Ocampo-Martinez, C., Cembrano, G., Minoves, M., Creus. R. (2009), Improving Water Management Efficiency by Using Optimal Control Strategies: The Barcelona Case Study. IWA Conference on Instrumentation, Control & Automation, Cairns, Australia.
  • Javalera, V., Morcego, B., Puig, V. (2010), A Multi-Agent MPC Architecture for Distributed Large Scale Systems, ICAART 2010 - International Conf. on Agents and Artificial Intelligence.
  • Javalera, V., Morcego, B., Puig, V. (2010). Cooperation and Learning in Distributed MPC of Large Scale Systems: the MAMPC Architecture. ACC 2010 American Control Conference. Baltimore, USA.
  • D. Barcelli, C. Ocampo-Martinez, V. Puig and A. Bemporad (2010), Decentralized model predictive control of drinking water networks using an automatic subsystem decomposition approach, in IFAC Symposium on Large-Scale Systems: Theory and Applications (LSS).
  • C. Ocampo-Martinez, V. Fambrini, D. Barcelli, and V. Puig (2010), Model predictive control of drinking water networks: A hierarchical and decentralized approach, in American Control Conference (ACC), 2010, pp. 3951 - 3956, IEEE.
  • C. Ocampo-Martinez, V. Puig and S. Bovo (2011), Decentralised MPC based on a Graph Partitioning Approach applied to the Barcelona Drinking Water Network, Proc. 18th IFAC World Congress, Milan, Italy.
  • R. Toro, C. Ocampo-Martinez, F. Logist, J. Van Impe and V. Puig (2011), Tuning of Predictive Controllers for Drinking Water Networked Systems, Proc. 18th IFAC World Congress, Milan, Italy.
  • J. Pascual, J. Romera, V. Puig, R. Creus, M. Minoves (2011), Operational Predictive Optimal Control of Barcelona Water Transport Network, Proc. 18th IFAC World Congress, Milan, Italy.
  • C. Ocampo-Martinez, V. Puig and S. Montes de Oca (2012), Multi-Rate Decentralized MPC Strategy for Drinking Water Networks: Application to the Barcelona Case Study, 10th International Conference on Hydroinformatics, Hamburg, Germany.