Quality Management

Quality Management System


The CS2AC has designed its quality system with the following objectives:

  • To support strategic decision-making
  • To enable the best use of the organization’s resources
  • To provide a professional relationship with our clients

The foundation of this system is the quality policy, which includes the scope of action, the mission, as well as global objectives and commitments.

The processes that constitute the management system are implemented on an intranet that facilitates the execution of various operations, enables the collection and access to a wide variety of historical data, and provides a broad set of indicators updated daily.


The quality policy of CS2AC defines its positioning as a research and development center in the field of systems engineering and automation. The points that form this quality policy are as follows:

  1. We provide maximum value to our clients. We aim to achieve their satisfaction and loyalty.
  2. We strictly respect confidentiality commitments. We aim to inspire the utmost trust in our clients.
  3. We strive to be leaders. We aim to achieve, within our area of expertise, a leadership position in the technology provider market, both nationally and internationally.
  4. We maintain a “world-class” level in research activities. We aim to be present in indexed publications and at the most important international conferences within our area of expertise.
  5. We ensure the involvement and commitment of all staff to achieve objectives. We aim to create a safe work environment that fosters synergy and creativity and recognizes individual contributions, so everyone can feel part of collective success.
  6. We encourage and recognize leadership abilities. We aim to measure individual merit based on results achieved and the opportunities they have helped create.

  7. We aim to maintain the ability to generate profit. We aim to generate sufficient resources to ensure the center's medium- and long-term viability, sustain investment in infrastructure and staff training, and contribute to the funding of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia.

  8. We are not satisfied with our current situation. We strive for continuous improvement by listening to the opinions of our clients and staff to seize new opportunities.

  9. We respect the highest standards of honesty and integrity in all our actions. We aim for our work to align with ethical principles.

  10. We respect the environment. We aim to contribute to global development by following international sustainability criteria and respecting the environment.
