SCAVSafety and Control in Autonomous Vehicles
Safety and Control in Autonomous Vehicles
Safety in the control and operation of autonomous vehicles is a key issue for allowing the real implementation and to falicitate the social acceptance. This requires a multidisciplinary research work that should allow that the autonomous vehicles include diagnosis and fault-tolerant mecahisms, resilience in the operation using control and dynamic planning strategies according the changing environment. Finally, the autonomous vehicles should be able to operate with conventional vehicles guaranteeing the safe driving in non-structured environments.
The project not only aims to gurantee that the autonomous vehicles work perfectly, that it is already a challenging task, but also gurantee their safe operation with the environment allowing the introduction of autonomous vehicles fleets that let the human out of the control loop.
To achieve this goal, there are an important number of technical and social aspects to overcome. In this research project, the following particular objectives will be addressed:
To establish a general methodology for including mechanisms that allow the "safe control" of autnomous vehicles.
To develop control and dynamic trajectory planning algorithms that allow the autonomous vehicle operation in changing environments.
To develop techniques for the sensor data validation, reconstruction and fusion that guarantee the quality of the information and that can be used in reliable and safe way by the vehicle control algorithms.
To develop algorithms for fault diagnosis and prognosis as well as for the design resilient mechanisms that can work in a complementary way
The applicant group has strong expertise in the model-based fault diagnosis, prognosis and fault tolerant control research fields, and in the proposed application areas.
The goal of this project addresses "Reto 8: Seguridad, Protección y Defensa" and in particular, in line with the scientific-technical priorities I, III and IV" that aims to develop innovative control solutions to increase the safety and security in the operation of critical infrastructures and complex systems.
MINECO of Spanish Gouvernment with the suport of FEDER funds.