What do we know?
CS2AC ofereix serveis de desenvolupament, assessoria o formació relacionats amb el mon dels del disseny de sistemes de control avançats i monitorització aplicats a una gran varietat de processos, d'entre els que destaquen:
Model Predictive Control (MPC)
- MPC has been proven to be one of the most effective control strategies for the global optimal operational control of large-scale system.
- MPC has been applied to:
Data validation (DV) and Fault diagnosis (FD):
- Critical infrastructure systems (CIS) are complex large-scale systems, geographically distributed and decentralized with a hierarchical structure, requiring highly sophisticated supervisory and real-time control (RTC) schemes to ensure high performance achievement and maintenance when conditions are non-favourable due to e.g. sensor and actuator malfunctions (faults). The use of an on-line fault diagnosis system able to detect such faults and correct them by activating different kinds of techniques e.g. data validation/reconstruction of sensor faults is desirable
- DV & FD has been applied to: